So... Why a Jeep? What is up with that?
We have had family who lived inside of Winterhaven for years. When I would go and pick up my kids after our 9pm ride would depart our site, I loved listening to the clip clop of the last wagons moving through Winterhaven. It is a beautiful community, truly a Festival of Lights! It was pure MAGIC! We agree... Now that we have reached these crossroads in our wagon power, I thought about that moment... hearing that magical clip clop moving through the quiet streets. I thought about my nephews in their rooms hearing that sound echo against the blacktop. It had been something that was pure magic. We have been deeply saddened by these thoughts of what the amazing residents of Winterhaven will stand to lose. About that little extra magic of the hooves against the blacktop disappearing as all good things seem to do. We struggled to come up with something else? Does anything compare to the sound of hooves? Simply put... no way. Not for you, not for us, not at all. Now... I knew we all had to face this reality. If we stop using the mules, what will happen to the people who love this time honored tradition? Is it the tradition of the mules? Or is it the tradition of the Festival of Lights? My feeling is that it is the Festival of Lights. This Festival began long before the mules arrived. All of you living inside this unique neighborhood created this Festival by continuing the tradition of C.B. Richards started in 1949. Our hats off to you. This is what we struggled with when faced with the reality of changing our mule power to machine power. We wanted to not disrupt your homes. We realize there is already the Tombstone Trolley running through which is mechanized but not loud. We thought that a small vehicle that is no louder than the Trolley would help maintain that peace and beauty inside your neighborhood. This is why we decided on a jeep. It is as quiet as any neighbors car driving through, it is open so we can easily participate with our clients, and it is American Made since we are patriotic. This is what we have come up with. We appreciate the idea of a tractor, they rock. However, we wanted to offer something different... something unique. We could play music so what you hear in your homes is Christmas Carols as we pass. Or, we can be quiet. Or, we can put our mules bells on the wheels of our wagons to jingle along. We realize the time has come for change and that is heartbreaking to me. We ask you all to help us make this a change you and your families will be able to enjoy someday.
Will it ever be the same as that magical sound of hooves echoing across the neighborhood?
No way...
I'm sure this is one thing we can all agree on....
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